Giving Back

This post is part of our 16-part mini-series of video interviews. We hope you enjoy these and please share them with your family and friends!

Dr. Minta Lopez-Torres:

There are several times throughout the year that we’ll give toothbrushes, chapstick, toothpaste, etc. to the local homeless shelter, elementary schools, high schools, really anybody that asks–we’re always happy to donate!

Dr. Amy Mosseri:

In the past, we’ve participated in “Give Kids a Smile” which is an under-served portion of the population. It’s difficult for many to find the money to go to the dentist to get a filling or even a cleaning, and we can provide those services for them. Even it’s five or six kids you can get treated in a day, that’s five or six less kids that have a cavity. So that’s a good thing!

Watch the full video below:

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